人体英语趣说系列之Nostril 鼻孔

人体英语趣说系列之Nostril 鼻孔

2020-07-30    01'48''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

143 0

Nostril 鼻孔 The nostrils are for breathing. You surely know how uncomfortable it feels when your nostrils are pinched together, for then breathing is stopped and your life may even be at stake. The nostrils are also for smelling. A bad smell of rotten fish offends your nostrils while a sweet smell of flowers pleases them. Some people often tell lies. Such behaviour stinks in our nostrils. So does a vulgar idea or a rude joke. 鼻孔是用来呼吸的,你当然晓得捏着鼻孔那种难受劲儿,因为这样呼吸就停止了,甚至连生命也会保不住。 鼻孔也是用来嗅气味的。腐鱼的恶臭冲鼻令你难受,而鲜花的芳香则扑鼻喜人。 有些人常常撒谎,这样的行为令我们讨厌(such behavior stinks in your nostril)。庸俗的观念、粗鄙的玩笑,也都是叫人讨厌的。