Do you know that the neck can be associated with a person's disposition? in this case, cantonese and English people think the same. They both call a stubborn fellow a stiff neck. Of course, this is just a figure of speech.
English people like to use the word neck figuratively. If a man is severely published, they say he gets it in the neck. When somebody does or says something that may make himself suffer, they say he sticks his neck out. And they may think it a pain in the neck having to ,say , fill out a lot of forms., fill out a lot of form forms., fill out a lot of form forms
英国人喜欢用“颈”字作比喻。如果有人受到了严厉惩罚,英国人就会说:he gets it in the neck(他大受惩罚)。当某人做事或说话会给自己带来苦恼的时候,英国人就说He sticks his neck out(他自找麻烦)。要是有一大堆表格要填写,他们就会认为这是a pain in the neck(苦差事)。