人体英语趣说之sole 脚底,脚板

人体英语趣说之sole 脚底,脚板

2020-10-08    02'09''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

91 1

sole 脚底,脚板 The sole is the under surface of a foot. The crown refers to the top of the head. Now you surely know the meaning of the phrase from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head. If you have a devoted friend from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head, you must treasure the friendship.He is your true friend in the full sense. There is another similar phrase which conveys a similar idea. Read this example:“He is a businessman to the sole of his boots”. sole指脚底,crown指头顶,那么你一定明白下面这一习语的意思了:from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head(从头顶到脚底)。如果你有一个100%的忠实朋友(a devoted friend from the sole of the foot tothe crown of the head),你就要好好珍惜这份友谊了。因为他是你名副其实的真正朋友。 还有另一类短语,表达同一含义。请看例子:he is a businessman to the soles of his boots.”(他完完全全是个实业家。)