

2020-10-14    02'01''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

85 1

muscle 肌肉 Muscles are closely related to strength. Most boys want to be muscular. Then they must exercise their muscles by going in for sports regularly. If they keep at it, they will grow up into men of muscles in preparation for physical exercise, athletes usually warm up by flexing their muscles. When you tell a person not to move a muscle, you're ordering him to keep still. If you want him to try harder,you may say,“ put some muscle into your work .” 肌肉和体力密切相关,多数男孩子都想肌肉发达,那么他们就得经常参加运动来锻炼自己的肌肉。要是他们坚持这样做,就会成为力大的男子汉。 准备做运动的时候,运动员通常为了热身而屈伸一下自己的肌肉。你叫人Don't move a muscle,就是叫他别动,如果要他加把劲儿做事,你可以说put some muscle into your work!