

2020-10-17    02'08''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

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beard 胡须 Can you tell a beard from a moustache?A moustache grows on the upper lip while a beard grows on the cheeks and chin. A man who wears a very thick beard may not speak clearly ,as the thick beard may muffle the sound. So it is easy to get at the meaning of this sentence:“ The man spoke in his beard.” Have you got it ? Perhaps the phrase laugh at somebody ‘s beard is new to you. Does it mean that his beard looks very funny? By no means .it is another way of saying“ Laugh in his face”. 你能够区别Beard和moustache吗?moustache长在嘴唇上面,而Beard长在双颊和下巴。 胡须浓密的人,讲话可能不清楚,因为浓密的胡须会阻隔声音,因此下面一句话的意思不难猜出: The man spoke in his Beard(这人讲话嘟嘟囔囔)。你猜对了吧? laugh at somebody’s beard的短语,也许你会觉得新鲜。是不是说某人的胡须很古怪呢?不是的。这是当面嘲笑他的另一种说法。