人体英语趣说之tear 眼泪

人体英语趣说之tear 眼泪

2020-11-01    01'48''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

94 2

tear 泪,泪滴 When you're very sad, you may shed tears. Tears may well up in your eyes when you feel very joyful or grateful. You may even laugh till tears come out . People are sometimes moved to tears, usually by a moving story or a noble act. But in some cases some people try to keep back their tears. For example, a brave child will try to keep back his tears even when he badly hurts his leg. 你伤心的时候就会流泪,由于喜悦或感激,眼睛也会涌出泪水来,甚至笑也会笑出眼泪的。 人有时也会感动得流泪,通常是在听到动人故事或见到崇高行为的时候。不过在某些情况下,有些人也强忍泪水,例如一个勇敢的孩子,即使碰伤了腿,也会忍着眼泪的。