

2020-11-01    03'51''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

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sweat 汗 People sweat when they work hard or when it is hot. They may sweat too when they are afraid-they may break out in a cold sweat. A sweat is not a drop of sweat. It is a hard job that causes one to sweat a lot. If a job is no sweat, it must be a cushy one. 工作劳碌或天气热的时候,人们就会流汗,人们害怕时也会出汗,可能会突然冒出一身冷汗,但a sweat可不是一滴汗水,而是一件令人流大汗的苦差事。如果一件工作no sweat,那就是一件轻松的差事了。