

2020-11-04    02'39''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

101 1

coat 外衣 Young boys and girls grow up quickly. You may have outgrown the coat which your parents bought for you just three or four months ago. You may find it too short or too tight now. Snobbish people look down upon those who are not as well dressed as they are. But not all well-dressed people are upright and civilized;it is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. “Brain a farmer's son ,was going to wear the king's coat .” Does this mean Brian was to become a king? Absolutely not!“ The king's coat ”here refers to the uniform of a British soldier. So what the statement tells you is that Brain was going to serve in the British army. 少年男女身体长得很快,你父母才给你买了三四个月的外衣,你有可能因为个子长高大了而穿不下。你现在会觉得它太短或太窄。 势利眼的人瞧不起那些穿着不如自己的人们,但是衣着入时的人不一定都是诚实和有教养的;人品好坏不在穿戴,不是漂亮的衣装造就高尚的人。 “布莱恩,农家儿子,就要穿上the king‘s coat”。这是不是说布莱恩快要做皇帝呢?绝对不是的。the king’s coat在此处指的是英国士兵的军装,因此这句话要告诉你的是,布莱恩快要在英国军队服役了。