日用品英语趣说之boot 靴子

日用品英语趣说之boot 靴子

2020-11-17    02'09''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

91 0

Boot 靴子 Boots are usually made of leather or rubber. They cover the feet and ankles. High boots reach the knees. English people sometimes say“I bet my boots” instead of “I bet”. if you are certain that something will happen, you can say,“ I bet my boots it will happen. ” No one wants to get the boot or to be booted out,but a bad employee may end up that way. 靴子一般是用皮革或橡胶做的。靴子覆盖双脚或踝部。长筒靴可到膝盖。 英国人有时不说“I bet”,而说“I bet my boots”(我敢打赌,的确,保证没错)。要是肯定某种事情将会发生,你可以说“它将要发生,保管没错。” 没有谁想被解雇或被撵走的,但太差劲的职员却可能有这样的结局。