Curtain 帘,幕
The windows of a house usually have curtains. People draw them apart early in the morning to let in the sunlight and draw them together when it is getting dark.
A stage usually has a curtain,too. The curtain rises as the show begins and it falls as the show ends. A wonderful performance usually wins warm applause and repeated curtain calls from the from the audience.
When someone draws a curtain over something, you will not see it any more. Corrupt officials always try to draw the curtain over their Corruption. On the other hand, if upright people are aware of it, they will raise the curtain on it,that is,make it known to the public.
舞台通常也有c curtain(幕布)。演出开始的时候幕布升起,演出结束时幕布落下。出色的表演常常赢得热烈的掌声,博得观众一再要求演员出场谢幕。