

2020-12-31    02'09''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

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kettle水壶 “One who draws back fiftypaces from the enemy laughs at another who does a hundred paces. ”This is a common Chinese saying. you understand it ,don't you? For the same idea English people have their own proverb:“The pot calls the kettle black.” Suppose both Joe and Ted were cheating at a game. Then each of them accused the other of not playing fair. This is clearly a case of the pot calling the kettle black . “Kettle ”and “fish ”are two things that have nothing to do with each other . Yet, oddly enough, they. Combine to make the idiom “kettle of fish”. We arrived at the the theater only to find that we forgot our tickets. That was indeed “a pretty kettle of fish.” In this example,“a pretty kettle of fish ”means a really bad thing to happen. 五十步笑百步,这一普通的中国谚语,你晓得吗?英国人也有自己的谚语表达同一个思想:“锅说水壶黑”。假设乔和特德两个人玩游戏时都作弊,然后又各自指责对方不堂堂正正比赛。这种情况显然就是“锅说水壶黑”了。 “水壶”和“鱼”是两样毫不相干的东西,不过说也奇怪,他们合起来却组成短语,a kettle of fish。我们到了剧院才发觉忘记带票,那的确是a pretty kettle of fish,在这个例句子中a pretty kettle of fish的意思是“真是糟糕透顶的事”。