

2021-02-25    02'42''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

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To catch fish ,fisherman cast nets in the river and then haul them in. In coastal or deep-sea fisheries, fishermen can catch a large amount of fish by means of dragging nets. Do you use a mosquito net? Mosquitoes buzz and bite. When there are mosquitoes around ,you should either sleep under mosquito net or use an electronic mosquito killer. There are all sorts of lawless scoundrels in the world of ours. We know many of them have been caught in the net of justice. On the other hand, unfortunately, a large number of them have escaped the police net. But we believe justice has long arms. 为了捕鱼,渔夫往河里撒网,然后把网拉上来。在沿海渔场或深海渔场,渔夫用拖网可以捕得大量的鱼。 你用不用蚊帐呢?蚊子嗡嗡作响而且咬人。周围有蚊子的时候你得挂蚊帐睡觉,或是使用电子灭蚊器。 在我们这个世界里,有各种各样的不法之徒。我们知道他们当中的不少人已经落入法网。而另一方面,不幸的是他们之中的许多人逃过了警察的搜捕之网。但我们相信,天网恢恢,疏而不漏。