

2021-02-27    03'45''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

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Screw 螺丝 We tighten or loosen a screw with a screw-driver. To get a screw into a board, we just turn it a few times. Some jar lids screw on and off,that is to say, we can screw them on and off. Sometimes you may have screwed a lid down so tightly that you cannot get it off. The word “screw”can be connected with the word “courage” to form two common phrases:“Screw up one's courage ”and “screw up enough courage”. Some boys and girls are afraid of in the dark. They have to screw up their courage to walk in the dark. Diving, especially a high dive, is not easy to learn. It calls for courage. If a boy or a girl is to learn to dive, he or she must screw up enough courage to try again and again. 我们用螺丝刀拧紧或松开螺丝。为了把螺丝拧进木板,我们把它旋几下就行了。一些罐子的盖子可以拧上或者是旋开。有时候你会把盖子拧得太紧而弄不开。 screw这个词可以和courage一字结合,构成两个通用的短语:“screw up one's courage”和“screw up enough courage”(鼓起勇气,壮起胆子)。有些少年男女怕黑,他们在黑夜行走的时候就得壮起胆子来。跳水,特别是高台跳水,是不容易学的,这需要有勇气,如果少年男女要学跳水,就得鼓起勇气反复尝试。