Basket 篮子
Basket 篮子
You go shopping with a shopping basket;you are throw waste paper or other waste material into a wastepaper basket. What's a “bread basket ”,then ?It can be a basket for keeping bread in; it can be an area of a country which produces vast amounts of grain. Americans call the Middle West of their country America's “bread basket ”.
Sometimes a person worries so much that he cannot sleep ,or eat ,or do anything other than worry. He can be described as a basket case(a helpless person who is unable to take care of himself). A student who studies too hard for exams may not eat, sleep or play ,for so long that he becomes a basket case and must be sent to hospital.
你带上购物篮子去购物。你把废纸或其它废品扔进字纸篓中。bread basket又是什么呢?它可能是放面包的篮子,也可能是盛产粮食的区域(粮仓),美国人就把本国中西部称作美国的“粮仓”。
有时候一个人极度苦恼,竟至睡不着,吃不下,什么事儿也做不了。他就可以被形容为basket case(无法照顾自己的废人)。为应付考试而啃书过度的学生,也可能不吃、不睡、不玩,时间久了成了无力自理的人,只好被送进医院去。