日用品英语趣说之Bucket 水桶

日用品英语趣说之Bucket 水桶

2021-03-12    02'16''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

142 1

Bucket 水桶 Bucket 水桶 We drop a bucket into a well, in order to draw water. If the well is empty, our effort is in vain. So we can compare making a futile effort to dropping a bucket into an empty well. some people often try without result to do what they are are not capable of. In other words, they often drop a bucket into an empty well. Sometimes it rains very hard. By using the word “bucket”,We can express the idea of raining hard in three ways: “The rain was coming down in buckets. ” “The rain was really bucket ing down.” “ It was raining buckets.” 我们投水桶进水里取水。如果井里是空的,我们的气力就白费了。因此我们可以把徒劳无功比作是空井打水。有些人常常劳而无功地去试做自己没有能力去做的事情。换句话说他们是往空井里投桶取水。 有时雨下的很大,用bucket一词,我们可以有三种形式表达下大雨的意思:下倾盆大雨,真是倾盆大雨,大雨倾盆。