

2021-03-19    02'39''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

230 4

Fan扇子 A folding fan can be furled or unfurled. An electric fan can be switched on or off. Where there are no electric fans or air -conditioners.,you have to fan yourself if you feel hot. If you haven't got a fan with you, you can use a magazine or newspaper as a fan . “Fan out ”an easy phrase. It means “spread out like a fan”. A main road may fan out at a certain point in three directions. Policemen may find out to look for a criminal . In comparison ,the phrase “fan the flames” is more difficult. It means “stir up emotion ”and is often used in a bad sense. We should never find the flames between two quarrelling friends. 折扇可以折起或打开。电风扇则可以开启或关闭。没有电风扇或空调的地方,如果你感到热的话,你就得摇扇子。要是你身边没带扇子,你可以把杂志或报纸当扇子使用 。 fan out是个不难理解的短语。意思是呈扇形展开。一条主道,可能在某处呈扇形地分作三个方向。警察可能按扇形排列搜捕罪犯。 比较起来短语 fan the flames就难一些了,它的意思是煽动情绪,而且常常用于贬义。咱们绝不要在两个吵架的朋友当中煽风点火。