Donald Duck is as famous as Mickey Mouse? A child may be nicknamed Donald Duck if he walks like a waddling dark.
It is fun to play ducks and dreaks. But it can be a big problem to play ducks and drakes with something. For example, a manager is likely to be fired if he plays ducks and drakes with the money of the company.
interest plays an important role in learning. If you are very interested in a subject,in English, for example, you will take to it like a duck to water.
打水漂的游戏是挺好玩的,不过要是to play ducks and dreaks with something(拿某事做儿戏或挥霍物资),那就可能是个大问题了。例如一个经理乱花公司的钱,他就有可能会被开除的。