动植物英语趣说之lark 云雀

动植物英语趣说之lark 云雀

2021-08-08    02'27''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

243 1

lark 云雀 It is a common scene in a kindergarten playground that children are singing,dancing or playing merrily. They're enjoying a good time. They are as happy as a lark—a lark ofen things merrily while it is in flight. Early to bed, early to rise——We all know this is a good habit. Rise with the lark,do some exercise in the pure morning air,and you will begin a new day feeling fresh and energetic. “ If the sky falls, we shall catch larks. ”This is a playful reply to some wild scheme. Suppose someone speaks of a plane of setting up ten more universities in Hong kong in a few years,you can say this proverb as a comment or reply. 孩子们在幼儿园的操场上快乐的唱歌,跳舞和玩耍,这是常见的景象,他们享受着欢乐的时光。他们快活得像只云雀----飞翔中的云雀常欢声歌唱,早睡早起,我们都知道这是个好习惯。黎明即起,在清晨的清新空气中做些运动,你这样开始新的一天总会感到精神饱满,精力充沛。 “要是天塌下来,我们就会捉住云雀(意谓绝不可能)这是对某些异想天开的计划的一种开玩笑式的回应。假使有人谈论短期内在香港多建10所大学的方案,你就可以说这句谚语作为评论或回应。