大米讲中英文故事-Ten Fat Sausages

大米讲中英文故事-Ten Fat Sausages

2017-04-25    10'25''


446 17

Ten Fat Sausages 十根肥嘟嘟的香肠在平底锅里滋滋的响,但是它们很快就变少了……变没了!为什么呢?还不是因为太好吃了嘛,嘿嘿,小朋友们能跟着大米一起数数在消失钱有多少根香肠吗?你知道它们都去了哪里吗?快来锅里锅外找一找,大米去买香肠咯! Lots of Hot Dogs here! 大量热狗出售! Ten fat sausages sizzling in the pan,One went Pop! and the other went Bang! 十根肥香肠,平底锅里滋滋响,一根砰地爆开来,另一根砰砰地爆开来! Plenty of Hot Dogs here! 很多热狗出售! Eight fat sausages sizzling in the pan, One went Pop!and the other went Bang! 八根肥香肠,平底锅里滋滋响,一根砰地爆开来,另一根砰砰地爆开来! Some Hot Dogs still left! 热狗不多啦! Six fat sausages sizzling in the pan, One went Pop!and the other went Bang! 六根肥香肠,平底锅里滋滋响, 一根砰地爆开来,另一根砰砰地爆开来! Last few Hot Dogs! 最后几根热狗! Four fat sausages sizzling in the pan,One went Pop!and the other went Bang! 四根肥香肠,平底锅里滋滋响,一根砰地爆开来,另一根砰砰地爆开来! Just a couple of Hot Dogs! 只剩最后两根热狗! Two fat sausages sizzling in the pan, One went Pop!and the other went Bang! 两根肥香肠,平底锅里滋滋响, 一根砰地爆开来,另一根砰砰地爆开来! No more hot dogs left! 热狗卖光啦! No fat sausages sizzling in the pan, None went Pop!and none went Bang! 没有肥香肠,平底锅里滋滋响,没有一根砰地爆开,也没有一根砰砰地爆开来! All Gone! 卖光啦!