I walk the maze of moments 我走在时间迷宫
But everywhere I turn to无论我转向何方
Begins a new beginning 都是崭新的起点
But never finds a finish 却无法找到终点
I walk to the horizon 我想去地平线那
And there I find another 却发现无穷无尽
It all seems so surprising 看来都如此惊奇
And then I find that I know 想来全尽在意中
The moon upon the ocean 看瀚海上的月亮
Is swept around in motion 在日夜来回穿梭
But without ever knowing 却永远不曾知道
The reason for its flowing 它流荡着的原因
In motion on the ocean 在大海海面航行
The moon still keeps on moving 明月依旧在流转
The waves still keep on waving 海浪依旧在波涛
And I still keep on going 而我依旧在前进
You go there you‘re gone forever 你离开将 一去不返
I go there I’ll lose my way 我离开将 迷失方向
If we stay here we‘re not together 如果在这 无法一起
Anywhere is 四处皆然