The Lonesome Boatman + Rose Tattoo #凯尔特摇滚 Celtic Rock#

The Lonesome Boatman + Rose Tattoo #凯尔特摇滚 Celtic Rock#

2018-01-03    07'48''

主播: 人民公园北门

1482 2

The Lonesome Boatman + Rose Tattoo - Dropkick Murphys The Lonesome Boatman(无歌词) Rose Tattoo The pictures tell the story 相片诉说着故事 This life had many shades 人生中坎坷不断 I'd wake up every morning and before I'd start each day 我想清醒的开始每一天 I'd take a drag from last night's cigarette 拿起昨晚抽剩的那根烟头 That smoldered in its tray 它还在烟灰缸里 Down a little something and then be on my way 收拾一下准备开始我的生活 I traveled far and wide 我去过的地方很多,走过很远 And laid this head in many ports 曾在很多港口席地而睡过 I was guided by a compass 指南针指引着我 I saw beauty to the north 看过了漂亮的北方 I drew the tales of many lives 我描绘过很多人的生活 And wore the faces of my own 把这些故事说成是我自己的 I had these memories all around me 这些记忆一直陪伴着我 So I wouldn't be alone 所以我不会孤单 Some may be from showing up 这些纹身有些是突然去纹的 Others are from growing up 有些是跟着我从小到大的 Sometimes I was so messed up and didn't have a clue 有时我把事情弄的一团糟还毫无头绪 I ain't winning no one over 我不是为了打败任何人 I wear it just for you 我只是为了你才纹了它 I've got your name written here 我把你的名字刻在了 In a rose tattoo 这玫瑰纹身上 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 I've got your name written here 我把你的名字刻在了 In a rose tattoo 这玫瑰纹身上 This one's for the mighty sea 这个纹身代表强大的海洋 Mischief, gold and piracy 恶作剧、黄金和海盗 This one's for the man that raised me 这纹身是那个养大我的男人 Taught me sacrifice and bravery 教会了我奉献和勇气 This one's for our favorite game 这是我们最喜欢的比赛 Black and gold, we wave the flag 我们挥舞着黑色与金色的旗帜 This one's for my family name 这是我家族的姓氏 With pride I wear it to the grave 我以它为骄傲,这个纹身将陪我一生 Some may be from showing up 这些纹身有些是突然去纹的 Others are from growing up 有些是跟着我从小到大的 Sometimes I was so messed up and didn't have a clue 有时我把事情弄的一团糟还毫无头绪 I ain't winning no one over 我不是为了打败任何人 I wear it just for you 我只是为了你才纹了它 I've got your name written here 我把你的名字刻在了 In a rose tattoo 这玫瑰纹身上 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 I've got your name written here, 我把你的名字刻在了 In a rose tattoo 这玫瑰纹身上 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 I've got your name written here 我把你的名字刻在了 In a rose tattoo 这玫瑰纹身上 This one means the most to me 这个纹身对我的意义最大 Stays here for eternity 它将会永远留在我身上 A ship that always stays the course 一艘永远驶向终点的航船 An anchor for my every choice 船锚代表我做过的每个决定 A rose that shines down from above 上面的玫瑰开的耀眼 I signed and sealed these words in blood 我以血写下这些文字 I heard them once, sung in a song 我听到过它们一次,是在歌里唱的 It played again and we sang along 这首歌又放了一遍,我们都跟着唱 You'll always be here with me 你们会永远和我在一起 Even if you're gone 即使你们已经不在了 You'll always have my love 你们将永远拥有我的爱 Our memory will live on 我们的记忆将会永生 Some may be from showing up 这些纹身有些是突然去纹的 Others are from growing up 有些是跟着我从小到大的 Sometimes I was so messed up and didn't have a clue 有时我把事情弄的一团糟还毫无头绪 I ain't winning no one over 我不是为了打败任何人 I wear it just for you 我只是为了你才纹了它 I've got your name written here in a rose tattoo 我把你的名字刻在了这玫瑰纹身上 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 I've got your name written here, 我把你的名字刻在了 In a rose tattoo 这玫瑰纹身上 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 With pride I'll wear it to the grave for you 我会为了你而骄傲的带着它直到死去 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 I've got your name written here, 我把你的名字刻在了 In a rose tattoo 这玫瑰纹身上 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 In a rose tattoo 玫瑰纹身 Signed and sealed in blood I would die for you 以血起誓我愿为你付出生命