

2018-02-06    04'23''


81 0

On the way home, 在回家路上 I count how many summers and winters have passed in my lifetime 数一数一生多少个寒暑 I count how many ups and downs are there in this journey, 数一数起起落落的旅途 the times I’ve laughed, and cried 多少欢笑 多少泪水 On the way home, 在回家路上 I count all 365 days in a year 数一数一年三百六十五 I count the days having victory or defeat, 数一数日子有哪些胜负, and also those days with full of satisfaction 又有哪些满足 Going home, I feel blessed 回家吧 幸福 I feel blessed to be able to hug my parents 幸福 能抱一抱父母 Pouring out my heart, which, I’m shy of expressing 说一说 羞涩开口的倾诉 The lights are close to waning 灯火就在 不远阑珊处 Going home, I feel lonely 回家吧 孤独 Loneliness is also waiting to appease 孤独 还等待著安抚 Taking off my layers of costumes, 脱下那 一层一层的戏服 blowing off the mist in my heart 吹开心中的雾 On the way home, 在回家路上 I count how many times I was happy in a year 数一数 一年快乐的次数 I count how many ups and downs of my temperament in a day, 数一数 一天脾气的起伏 what is poor, and rich? 什么是贫 什么是富 On the way home, 在回家路上 I count the flowing speed of time throughout the years 数一数 岁月流走的速度 I count who can share weal and woe with me, 数一数 一生患难谁共处 Slowly, everything seems clear 一切慢慢清楚 On the way home, 在回家路上 I pat the dust off my shoulders 拍一拍肩上沾染的尘土 The more tiring the trip, the more committed to my path, 再累也一样坚持的脚步 going home, I feel so blessed 回家真的幸福