【There was a time above……】
【The time before……】
【There were perfect things.】
【Diamond absolutes.】
【Now I'm exhuasted hating him. 】
【Years and years and years of it.】
【It's not enough.】
【Breath is just a clock ticking.】
【Shaking,sweating,there maybe some hallucinations.We'llgive you something to stabilize your heart stop you having scizures.】
【I'm going to die?】
【You're not going to die.】
【I don't mind.】
〔I want to die〕
【And then when you really die,yet nobody will believe it. But they'll believe your died to give your bottom.】
【Go an forever.】
【The only way to move on…is to become more detached from yourself.】
【and more touch to someone else】
【To feel.】
【Of course,the other danger is,without bitterness spite,sarcasm,snobbery,and self-loathing.】
【There might be nothing left.】
【think what you could put there instead】
【I just turned 18.】
【And I think I understand……】
【What people mean to each other】
〔But then…everything's a miracle,man. It's miracle we don't melt in the bath like a piece of soup〕