

2019-07-11    02'22''

主播: 201709101403086773

622 5

翻译中英全 他逃跑了 He ran away. 他被吓到了 He was too frightened. 这是不可逆转的手术 It's an irreversible change. 事情不应该是这样的 This can't be right. 我已经不记得外面的风景了 I can't remember the landscape anymore. 他想把我关起来 He wants to lock me up. 关在这个令人作呕的地方 Such a tedious place. “一个就读寄宿学校的17岁高中生,” "A 17-year- old junior school student," “告诉其他同学他要晚回家” "told some other students he was leaving for good that night" “我们不确定原因” "We're not sure why" “校长是最后一个看到他的人” "The headmaster was the last one to see him" 家庭情况? Family situation? 【“他有个哥哥”】 "He has a brother." 他有女朋友吗? Does he has a girlfriend? “没有” “NO” 【“他有过一个男朋友”】 "He had a boyfriend." 那晚发生了什么? What happened that night? “我们本来计划好一起离开” "We were going to go away" 你能跟我说说你弟弟吗? Will you tell me about your brother? “说什么?” "Tell you what?" “在我失去他之前 他就像月光或者其他什么” "Before I lost him, he was like this moonbeam or something." “你可以盯着他看好几个小时, 这是你们想要知道的吗?” "You could just watch him for hours, is that you want to know?" 调查进行的如何? So how is the investigation going? “我们还在筛选嫌犯, 受害者是一期调查案中的关键人物” "We still eliminating suspects, victim is a key figure in a investigation." 什么调查案? What investigation? “和那个臭名昭著的暴徒, 号称罪犯帝王的黑帮头子有关” "The most notorious and violent gangsters, so-called crime lord. “他参与了这个城市的所有犯罪” "He's involved in every crime in the city." 你究竟知道什么? What do you know that? “你救不了任何人” "You can't save anybody" “所有单位注意 在森林边缘, 相对高度F026两英里标记出发现一具尸体” "Calling all units. At the forest edge,elevation F026,two-mile market a child's body has been found. “重复,发现了一具未成年尸体” "I repeat,a child's body has been found" 他们抓到凶手了 They caught the guy. 有人听说我们在找什么, 他们取消了行动。 Word gets out what we're looking for, they shut it down." "一切到此为止" "It'll stop" “他不是凶手” "It wasn't him." “你不能再深入了” "You have to.stop." “先是有人枪击我. 现在我的车上又被安装了跟踪器” "Someone shortgunned me, there's a transponder on my car" “停手也来不及了” "It's too late." 手术分两场 Two operations 第一场 完全切除男性器官 The first to remove the male parts entirely. 第二场 制造一个人工阴道 The second the construct a vagina. 【“你不应该离开我的】 【 我不会让你走的。”】 "You shouldn't have been leaving me I'm not letting you go."