

2019-10-10    01'01''

主播: 知妤书斋(春妤姐姐)

190 0

It's a nice attic. There is a nice view out of the windo. Wow! Goatherd. Who are you? I'm Peter I live in a village at the bottom of the mountain. I take cate of my two sheep. Wjat are their names? The white on is Snowflake and the black on is Blackspot. Let's catch them. At night, Heidi fell fast asleep. She is sleeping like a log even though the wind is strong. 真是个漂亮的阁楼呢。 窗户外面的景色真好看。 哇!是牧羊人。 你是谁呀? 我是Peter,就住在山脚下的村子里。 我照顾这两只羊。 它们叫什么名字呀? 白色的叫雪花,黑色的叫黑点。 我们来抓它们吧。 夜里,Heidi很快就入睡了。 尽管风吹得那么大,她还是睡得很香。
上一期: Blood tryes
下一期: How Things Started万物起源