Points we learn today:
1. ace: (adj.) best, brilliant, fabulous. e.g.: ace player; ace pilot.
2. stand (countable noun) A stand at a sports ground is a large structure where people sit or stand to watch what is happening, 看台。
3. nowt: a dialect word in northern England for “nothing”.
4. we make things from steel and we make things from cotton: 展现了曼城的经济发展所依靠的两大产业,棉纺织和钢铁制造。
5. take the mick/mickey (out of somebody): to make people laugh at do, by copying what they do or say in a ways that seems funny
6. summat: dialect word for “something”
7. make it yourself: 去努力自己完成,达到某个目标
8. make us a brew: brew can refer to either tea or beer in England.
9. league: 联赛 英超联赛 Premier League
10. Emmeline Pankhurst:埃米琳·潘克赫斯特 She was a British political activist and leader of the British suffragette movement who helped women win the right to vote. In 1999 Time named Pankhurst as one of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century, stating "she shaped an idea of women for our time; she shook (shake)society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back".She was widely criticised for her militant tactics (激进的策略), and historians (历史学家)disagree about their effectiveness, but her work is recognised as a crucial element in achieving women's suffrage (sʌfrɪdʒ;选举权) in Britain.
11. suffragette 妇女参政论者
12. sisterhood:the bond between women who support the Women's Movement; 姐妹情谊Sisterhood is the affection and loyalty that women feel for other women who they have something in common with.
13. atomic:原子的;原子能的
14. strut /strʌt/ with defiance: Someone who struts walks in a proud way, with their head held high and their chest out, as if they are very important 趾高气扬,昂首挺胸地走. defiance Defiance is behaviour or an attitude which shows that you are not willing to obey someone 对权力,规则的蔑视,不服从.
15. A co-op is a co-operative 合作社
16. Sir Frederick Henry Royce, 1st Baronet 准男爵,低于男爵, OBE (27 March 1863 – 22 April 1933) was an English engineer and car designer who, with Charles Rolls and Claude Johnson, founded the Rolls-Royce company.
17 stroll 溜达,闲逛
18. go-getter: If someone is a go-getter, they are very energetic and eager to succeed.积极能干,志在必得的人
Goal setters see future possibilities and the big picture. 有远大目标的人
19. vibe /vaɪb/ Vibes are the good or bad atmosphere that you sense with a person or in a place
20. Mancunian: of or relating to Manchester
21 survive and thrive 生存和发展