【美剧原声】The Good Wife E01

【美剧原声】The Good Wife E01

2016-09-06    30'48''

主播: Revenger14

19848 813

编辑&主播:Alicia 制作:Ryan Alicia和你一起分享关于Alicia的美剧原声。 歌单: 1. Any other world - Mika 2. Heaven - Brandi Carlile 3. Here at the right time - Josh Ritter 4. Testament to youth in verse - The New Pomographers 5. Here I Go Again - Audra Mae 6. My Name Is Money - Sonia Leigh 7. Mucka Blucka - Tally Hall 8. Midnight Train to Georgia 9. Folk Bloodbath - Josh Ritter 欢迎加入#在这里碰撞音乐#微信群,把你喜欢的变成@晨夕畅享的推荐曲目。 微信号:alicia_dd(添加请告知是荔枝FM听歌小伙伴)