Vol.131 來自漫長而憂傷的聚會 -- 斯特蘭德

Vol.131 來自漫長而憂傷的聚會 -- 斯特蘭德

2014-05-06    04'49''

主播: 西桸

74823 543

From The Long Sad Party Mark Strand Someone was saying something about shadows covering the field, about how things pass, how one sleeps towards morning and the morning goes. Someone was saying how the wind dies down but comes back, how shells are the coffins of wind but the weather continues. It was a long night and someone said something about the moon shedding its white on the cold field, that there was nothing ahead but more of the same. Someone mentioned a city she had been in before the war, a room with two candles against a wall, someone dancing, someone watching. We begin to believe the night would not end. Someone was saying the music was over and no one had noticed. Then someone said something about the planets, about the stars, how small they were, how far away. 參考譯本 來自漫長而憂傷的聚會 作者:馬克·斯特蘭德 翻譯:畫皮 有人在說 關於籠罩在曠野上的陰影,關於 事物如何隱遁,某人如何朝著黎明睡去 以及清晨如何展開。 有人在說 風兒如何逝去,卻又重來, 貝殼如何成了風的棺材 而天氣卻依然如故。 那是一個長夜 有人說著某事,關於月亮在寒冷的曠野 散落了它的白色,前面一無所有 只是更多的白色。 有人提起 戰前她住過的一個城市,有兩支蠟燭的房間 蠟光映在墻上,有人跳舞,有人旁觀。 我們開始相信 這夜晚將無窮無盡。 有人說音樂完了,卻沒人理會。 然後有人說起了行星,還有恒星, 它們如何的渺小,又如何的遙遠。 背景音樂 Embrace My Shadow / Takeshi Kobayashi 歡迎關注微信公眾賬號:逸事 WeChat ID: escapeintolife