Analysis on Li Dong-yuan's ‘yin-fire' theory
Abstract: Li Dong yuan formulated the theory of treatise on spleen and stomach, which established his therapeutic principle: eliminating severe heat with the sweet and warm, providing a new method to clinical treatment for fever due to internal injury, and introduced the conception of 'yin fire'. However, the description of its pathogenesis was uncertain, which led to arguments. According to the article. deficiency of spleen qi and lung qi and disorder of qi movement were the occurrence mechanisms The spleen failed to elevate yang-qi and the lung couldn't converge, and finally the state of yang-qi was transformed into yin from yang. Yin-fire is yang-qi in yin state and yuan-qi is yang-qi in yang state. However, the total of yang-qi is finite, which results in the opposition between yin-fire and yuan-qi. Now that the pathogenesis occurrence mechanism of yin-ire is clear, the corresponding treatment can also be understood.
摘要:李东垣创立脾胃学说,为内伤发热证治提供了“甘温除大热”的新途径。然而,李东垣在其脾胃学说中引人了“阴火”说, 病机阐述又不甚明确, 致后世争论颇多。笔者通过研究, 认为阴火乃脾肺气虚,气机失常,脾不能升清阳,肺不能敛元气,阳气由阳分人阴所致。阳气在阴分为阴火,在阳分为元气,而人体阳气总量是一定的,故阴火与元气势必此消彼长而不两立。阴火产生之机理既已明确,则阴火治法,即补脾胃、泻阴火之内涵亦可知也。