

2019-09-17    02'44''

主播: 谢子善

109 2

Study on English translation of TCM classics from perspetive of reception theory Abstract: Based on the reception theory, several cases of two English versions of Huangdi Neijing, which were translated by LI Zhao-guo, WU Lian- sheng and wU Qi. were selected as research objects. Through comparing and analyzing the two versions, the idea that medical and cultural fusion should be reflected in the translation text of Huangdi Neijing was presented,and the necessity of blending of medical sense with culture was pointed out. At the same time, three translation methods were provided: ①To understand the original provisions accurately, in order to ensure the accuracy of translation information.②Literal or free translation method can be taken for the medical information contained in the original provisions. ③Transliteration,transliteration + interpretation method can be used to translate the terminology of the original provisions contained in the unique Chinese medicine. So as to provide some references for the traditional Chinese medicine classics translation practice. “接受理论”视阈下中医典籍英译探析 摘要:以“接受理论”为基础,选取《黄帝内经》李照国英译本和吴奇、吴连胜父子英译本中的具体翻译案例为研究对象。对两译本进行对比分析,提出《黄帝内经》译文要体现医学感和文化感交融的观点,指出了医学感和文化感交融的必要性,提出3点方法:①对原条文的理解要准确,以保证译文信息的准确性;②对原条文蕴含的医学信息可以采取直译或意译的方法:③对原条文中所包含的特有中医名词术语可采取音译、音译+释义的方法。以期为中医典籍英译实践提供参考。