

2019-09-18    09'37''

主播: 谢子善

112 3

New Words 1. materialism n. the belief that only matter exists, and there is no world of the spirit 2. dialectics n. the art or method of arguing, and of examining the ideas and асtіvіtіеѕ іn thе mіnd, ассоrdіng tо сеrtаіn rulеѕ оf quеѕtіоn аnd аnѕwеr 3. characterize v. to be typical of ( sb/ sth) ; be characteristic of 4. holism n. the belief that the parts of any whole cannot exist and cannot be understood except in their relation to the whole 5. unity n. the quality of being united into one 6. integrity n. condition of being whole or undivided 7. constituent adj. forming or helping to make a whole component ; n. component part 8. interrelate v. ( cause parts, etc ) be connected very closely so that they have an effect on each other 9. influential adj. having influence ; persuasive 10. meridian n. imaginary circle round the earth, pass through ( a given place and) the North and South Poles 11. pertain v. to belong to something as a part of it 依附于或从属于某事物 12. Ulcerative adj. affected with or producing ulcers 溃疡的;形成溃疡的 13. stomatitis n. inflammation of the mouth口腔炎 14. adapt n. to become adjusted to the new conditions 适应(新环境等) 15. astringe vt. to constrict or bind or draw together 使收缩,使收敛 16. geographical adj. of or relating to geography地理学的;关于地理学的 17. remould v. to provide ( an old tyre) with a new tread; to change sth. such as an idea, a system, etc.给(旧轮胎)装新胎面;更新,改变(想法、系统等) 18. identify . to prove, show, etc who or what sb/sth is; recognize sb/sth ( as being the specified person or thing)确认,证明(某事物) ;鉴别出(系某人或某物) 19. measles n. infectious disease, esp. of children, with fever and small red spots that cover the whole body麻疹 20. eruption n. sudden appearance of spots, etc on the skin( 斑疹等)突然在皮肤上出现;出疹 21. exuberant adj. ( plants, etc) growing vigorously; luxuriant( 指植物等)茁壮的,茂盛的,繁茂的 22. linger n. to stay for a long time; be unwilling to leave逗留;徘徊;拖沓 23. proctoptosis n. prolapse of the rectum直肠脱垂;脱肛 24. dysentery n. inflammation of the bowels, causing severe diarrhea, usually with a discharge of mucus and blood痢疾 25. hysteroptosis n. prolapse of the uterus 子宫脱垂 26. collapse n. failure, breakdown垮;崩溃;衰落