

2019-09-25    04'52''

主播: 谢子善

104 4

A pulse that is floating 脉浮: A pulse that is felt when light pressure is applied is called “floating”. In Taiyang disease, a pulse that is floating usually reflects a condition in which an external pathogen has invaded the fleshy exterior and right qi is resisting the pathogen and pushing it out of the body. 译文 浮脉。轻取即得为浮脉。太阳病见浮脉,提示邪气侵袭肌表,正气奋起抗邪,驱邪外出。 注释 1)light pressure is applied :轻取。 2)right qi:正气。 3)resist:抵抗。 延伸: A floating pulse is a pulse felt by light touch, growing faint on pressing, but offering no sense of emptiness. It's pronounced at the superficial level but empty or vacuous at the deep level. Described as being "like wood floating on water". It usually indicates exterior syndrome, suggesting excess exterior syndrome when it is floating and forceful, -or deficiency exterior syndrome floating and feeble. A floating pulse can also be found in interior deficiency syndromes caused by outward going of Yang Qi due to protracted diseases leading to blood deficiency. 浮脉,轻取即得,按之稍弱而不空,以脉动部位表浅为特点。多见于表证,浮而有力为表实、浮而无力为表虚。亦可见于久病精血不足、虚阳外越的里虚证。