从小宇宙CEO Kyth聊Netflix贝克汉姆纪录片的节目开始,聊阿根廷足球对英国的恨,聊英国球迷对贝克汉姆染红输球的恨,聊利物浦球迷对撒切尔夫人的恨,聊曼联球迷对维多利亚WAGs的恨,聊东德球迷对资本商业的恨……
钟定一 - Happy together
山岡晃 - Promise
·Archetti, Eduardo P. Masculinities: Football, Polo and Tango in Argentina. Berg, 1999.
·Alabarces, Pablo. Fútbol y Patria: El fútbol y la construcción de la identidad nacional en Argentina. Prometeo Libros, 2002.
·Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Verso, 1983.
·Giulianotti, Richard Robertson, Roland. Globalization and Football. Sage Publications, 2009.
·Mason, Tony. Passion of the People? Football in South America. Verso, 1995.
Williams, John. Red Men: Liverpool Football Club - The Biography. Mainstream Publishing, 2010.
·Goldblatt, David. The Ball is Round: A Global History of Football. Penguin Books, 2006.
·Viñas, Carles. El fútbol y el franquismo. Sinequanon, 2005.
·Huyssen, Andreas. Politics of Memory: The German Unification and Culture. Duke University Press, 1995.
Giulianotti, Richard, and Roland Robertson. Globalization and Football. Sage Publications, 2009.
·Szymanski, Stefan, and Simon Kuper. Soccernomics. Nation Books, 2009.
·Critchley, Simon. What We Think About When We Think About Soccer. Penguin Books, 2017.
·Williams, John. Red Men: Liverpool Football Club - The Biography. Mainstream Publishing, 2010.