QingClass is a place, but beyond physical terms. QingClass is a school, but beyond academic terms. QingClass is a company, but beyond business terms. QingClass is an app, but beyond technological terms. QingClass is unique. It’s different from other counterparts, and it distinguishes itself by the values we believe in - that is - each one of us deserves a chance to learn, and it’s never too late to make a change. “Stay in China; hear the World; this is English Michael Fun.” From the very beginning, since its founding, EMF has always maintained its original purpose - to blend language learning and information feeding into one enjoyable experience. We feel so fortunate and privileged to see tens of thousands of people joining us and making EMF an inseparable part of their lives. Looking ahead in 2018, “interaction” will be the key, by which we shall interpret this world from a whole new perspective.