For whatever reason, there’s a rivalry between L.A. and New York. So, we decided to have some fun with that. We sent a camera crew to talk to real New Yorkers, and then we had another camera crew ask the very same questions in L.A.
(What is the most annoying thing about people from L.A.?)
- I think their accent. It’s just slow. They sound kinda like a dog with peanut butter on the roof of the mouth, I think. I can’t take it. I like to talk fast.
- Yeah, I’m gonna have some chicken, I guess, but whatever.
- Can I have, like, you know, like, is there, like, I don’t know, like a sandwich?
(Do an impression of a New Yorker ordering a slice of pizza.)
- Yo, Ma’am, you wanna get some pizza over there? - Please, cheese on the double, make me some coffee too.
- You guys got any fresh pepperoni in here?
- Yo, Tony, can I get the extra cheese, please?