It is not death most people are afraid of. It is getting to the end of life, only to realize that you never truly lived. Nearly all of them said they regretted not the things they did but the things they didn't do. The risks they never took. The dreams they didn't pursue. Life is not meant to simply work, wait for the weekend and pay rent. So the question I'm getting to is, do you have the courage to grab the dream that picked you? That befits you and grips you; or will you let it get away and slip through?
What is your dream? what ignites that spark . you can’t kinda want that, you got to want it with every part of your whole heart. Will you struggle? yeah, will struggle, no way around it. You will fall many times, but who’s counting? Just remember, there’s no such thing as a smooth mountain. Sometimes you’ve got to leap and grow your wings on the way down. You better get the shot off before the clock runs out, because there ain’t no over time in life, no do over. Sing your heart out on life’s stage. You cannot go back and make a brand new beginning. But you can start now and make a brand new ending.