

2018-07-16    01'09''

主播: Vivian💗

254 3

I’m so glad that you both called me. It’s amazing, when I spoke to both of you, I realized that you felt the same way internally but you completely miscommunicated and misread each other’s feelings externally. Often what happens is we project our own perceptions and insecurities onto the other person. We end up believing our own assumptions rather than the reality of the situation. We’re so scared of opening up. We’re so fearful of being vulnerable. Because we might fall; because we might get rejected. But what if that’s what kept you two apart? What if that was the reason that you never realized that you both felt the same way? Would it then be worth the same thing? Would you then feel the same way that it was good that you stayed closed and you didn’t express how you really felt? In this way I find that so many people are together but not in love, and I find that so many people are in love, but not together. And remember: we never see things as they are; we see things as we are.