EMF8.15V-J Day✌️

EMF8.15V-J Day✌️

2018-08-15    01'01''

主播: Vivian💗

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V-J Day:Victory in Japan Day 胜利日 I have received this afternoon a message from the Japanese Government in reply to the message forwarded to that Government by the Secretary of State on August 11. I deem this reply a full acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration which specifies the unconditional surrender of Japan. In the reply there is no qualification. Reporters rush out to relay the news to an anxious world and touch off celebrations throughout the country. Washington is jubilant. And in Chicago, more than a million sing and dance in the streets in the biggest celebration the Windy City has ever seen. Joy is unconfined. It was 4 o’clock Pacific time in San Francisco when the announcement came, and people were quick to leave their offices for an impromptu spontaneous celebration. But it was in that city’s Chinatown where Victory Day was the most joyous. Firecrackers that had been hoarded for years are (were) set off in a triumphant roar. 我今天下午收到日本政府针对8月11号由国务卿转交给该政府的信息的回复,我认为他们的回复是对波茨坦声明的全面接受,波茨坦声明里具体说明了日本的无条件投降。日本的回复中没有任何附加说明。 记者们迅速向全世界焦虑等待的人们转播了这一消息,引发了全国各地的争相庆祝。华盛顿是一片欢欣鼓舞的景象。芝加哥的街头上,上百万的人们载歌载舞,这是“风城”见证过的最热闹的庆祝了。随处可见压抑不住的喜悦。声明发布的时候,旧金山正是太平洋时间4点钟,人们迅速走出办公室,自发庆祝起来。但胜利日最激动喜悦的地方要数旧金山唐人街了。在胜利的欢呼浪潮声中,人们纷纷引爆了贮藏多年的鞭炮以示庆贺。