EMF9.11Remember 9/11🕯️

EMF9.11Remember 9/11🕯️

2018-09-11    00'51''

主播: Vivian💗

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is a difficult moment for America. Today, we've had a national tragedy. Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country. I have spoken to the Vice President, to the Governor of New York, to the Director of the FBI, and have ordered that the full resources of the federal government go to help the victims and their families, and to conduct a full-scale investigation to hunt down and to find those folks who committed this act. Terrorism against our nation will not stand. And now if you (would) join me in a moment of silence. May God bless the victims, their families, and America. Thank you very much. 女士们,先生们,这是美国历史上一个艰难的时刻。今天,我们经历了一场全国性的悲剧。两架飞机撞向世界贸易中心大楼,这显然是对我国的恐怖袭击。我已经同副总统、纽约州州长,以及联邦调查局局长交谈过了,并命令联邦政府动员所有的力量去帮助遇难者和他们的家属,且要对此事件进行全面调查,缉拿那些制造这起灾难的人。针对美国的恐怖主义行径不会有立足之地。现在让我们一起默哀。愿上帝保佑遇难者,保佑他们的家人,保佑美国,非常感谢。