

2018-10-01    00'57''

主播: Vivian💗

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This is mahjong, a tile-based game that originated in China some 300 years ago. Today, the game and its numerous variations are widely played throughout Asia. And it’s gaining popularity in other parts of the world. The game is played with a set of 144 tiles based on Chinese symbols and characters. To start the game, players first shuffle the tiles. Roll the dice to decide who plays first and each draws 13 tiles from the pool. The player who goes first draws one extra tile to kick off the game. Through the course of the game, players take turns to draw and discard tiles. In order to win, you need to form four suits and a pair. Two of the same tiles are a pair. And you can form suits through combinations called Chi, Pong, (and) Gong. After you form the ready hand, just patiently wait for the tile you need to win. And when you win, you say, “Sik wu!” 麻将起源于300年前的中国,是一种基于牌的游戏。如今,这项游戏以及其多样多变的玩法在整个亚洲广泛盛行。麻将在世界上的其他地方也开始流行起来。这项游戏是由144张牌组成,这些牌上带有中国的符号和汉字。要开始游戏,玩家首先要洗牌。通过掷骰子来决定谁先开始,然后每一个人都从牌池中摸13张牌。最先开始的玩家多摸一张额外的牌来开始游戏。 在整个游戏过程中,玩家轮流摸拍和出牌。为了胜出,你需要4组同花色的牌和一对牌。相同的两张牌是一对。你可以通过“吃”、“碰”、“杠”来组成同花色的牌。在你准备好牌后,耐心地等待你要去赢的牌。当你赢的时候,就说:“和牌”!