

2018-10-10    00'55''

主播: Vivian💗

371 3

Humans have been making silk for centuries. It’s a coveted textile for gowns, sheets, and robes. But why is it so expensive? Silk is the product of the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori. The caterpillars eat constantly. After 45 days of munching and growing, the worms are ready to mature. They have a special spinneret that secretes one long continuous filament. That’s the silk. The silkworms spin this filament into a cocoon. Then the cocoons are unraveled to reveal around half a mile of usable filament. Filaments are joined to create a thread thick enough to weave into fabric. One yard of silk fabric costs approximately $100. “Silk is expensive because it is a natural fiber and therefore has imperfections. This has led to an increase of waste in production which raises the overall cost.” 几个世纪以来,人类一直在制造丝绸。这是一种梦寐以求的用于礼服、床单和睡袍的纺织品。但是为什么这么贵呢?丝绸生产于家里养的丝虫,也就是家蚕。他们不停地吃。45天的咀嚼和生长后,这些幼虫开始成熟。他们有一种特殊的吐丝器,可以吐出一条条连续的长丝。这就是丝绸。 蚕将这些长丝织成一个茧。这些茧被拆解,露出半英里可以用的长丝。长丝连接在一起,形成一根足够粗的线来织成布。一码丝绸大约要100美元。“丝绸贵是因为它是纯天然的,因此会存在瑕疵。这导致了生产中浪费的增加,从而提高了总成本。”