Baptism is the first sacrament of the Church. Through Baptism we become members of the Church. The usual celebrant or minister for Baptism is a priest or a deacon.
The Sacrament of Baptism is a beginning. Beginning of our long journey of faith. It is not something to be done and over. It is an everyday journey. As children, we are dependent on our parents. So too, we are dependent on our God.
"By the mystery of your death and resurrection, bathe these children in light, give them the new life of Baptism and welcome them into your Holy Church.' "Lord hear our prayer.
The community present asks for the guidance of the saints in heaven so that the Baptism becomes a gathering of the whole family of the Church.
The Baptism water is blessed by the celebrant, asking God for the divine life from the water to be transferred to the baptized children.