EMF10.28What is Halloween?🎃

EMF10.28What is Halloween?🎃

2018-10-28    00'49''

主播: Vivian💗

211 1

Halloween is the evening before the Christian holy days of All Hallows' Day (also known as All Saints’ Day) on the first of November and All Souls' Day on the second of November, thus giving the holiday on 31 October the full name of All Hallows’ Eve(meaning the evening before All Hallows' Day. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, attending Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, divination games, playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories, and watching horror films. In many parts of the world, the Christian religious observances of All Hallows' Eve, including attending church services and lighting candles on the graves of the dead. 什么是万圣节前夜? 万圣节前夜是11月1日jidujiao万圣节(也叫诸圣节)的前一天晚上,11月2日是诸灵节,因此就把10月31日这天叫做万圣节前夜(意思是万圣节的前一天晚上)。万圣节前夜的活动包括不给糖就捣乱、万圣节的化妆舞会、用南瓜雕制南瓜灯、点燃然篝火、咬苹果、占卜游戏、恶作剧、一起去闹鬼的地方、讲恐怖故事、看恐怖电影。在世界上的许多地方,jidujiao都举行万圣节前夜的庆祝活动,包括参加教堂礼拜和在死者的坟墓前点燃蜡烛。