EMF11.9How to Use the Histogram📸️

EMF11.9How to Use the Histogram📸️

2018-11-09    00'46''

主播: Vivian💗

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Today, we’re talking photography. Tip No.1. One of the things I wish I paid more attention to is the histogram. That’s this little funky chart right here, that looks like a heart rate monitor. But the far left of that chart represents the blacks and the shadows, far right of that graph chart represents the highlights, whites, anything that’s overexposed. In the middle is your mid-tones. If it’s way up here, that means it’s blown out, your image is damaged, there’s just no detail, there’s too much white, there’s too much brightness, there’s too much light. Or on the opposite spectrum of that, if it’s spiking on this side, there’s no detail because you’ve crushed those blacks too much, it’s too dark, there’s too much shadow. It’s not evenly balanced. So when you look at a histogram, it tells you right away without even having to look at the photo, because don’t trust your eyes and don’t trust the back of an LCD screen. 今天我们要讲摄影。第一个小贴士——我希望我之前能够更重视的几个方面里,其中之一就是直方图。就是这里的这个又小又酷的图表,看起来像是一个心率监测器。 但图表的最左侧代表黑色和阴影,图表最右侧代表高亮和白光,一切过度曝光的东西。中间就是你的中间调了。 如果这里(右侧)特别高的话,那就意味着照片过度曝光,图片受损,细节缺失,照片中有太多白光,亮度,有太多光亮。 反过来,如果峰值在这一侧(左侧)的话,图像也是细节缺失,因为你加入了太多黑色,图像太暗了,有太多阴影。不够均衡。 所以,当你在看直方图时,它可以立刻告知你(图像的曝光情况),甚至不需要你再看一眼照片,因为不要相信你的眼睛,不要相信液晶显示屏的背面。