Taking Kids Out of School for Vacation
Everyone knows that travel can be educational but
should you be taking your kids out of school for
vacation? Debbie Haddad and her family are
reminiscing about a trip they took last year to Disney World when school was still in session.
"Literally half the cost to travel the week before
spring break.”
Despite the savings, there was a price to pay.
“When I was on vacation, I did my homework on
the plane ride there and back.""I didn't get a
chance to do it at vacation, but when I
came back I had a bunch of papers on my desk."
A growing number of vacationing families are pulling kids out of class to save money and avoid
crowds. If they take their child out of school, it's an
unexcused absence. this is for vacation."
Education is the key to success and if you vacation
during school time you are really lessening the
importance of education.”
“Each grade becomes more and more diffcult and
missing a week of school in high school, it’s very difficult for the child to catch up.”
“Some parents also asked teachers for work ahead
of time and that's an imposition for the teacher."