EMF11.30Tattoo for women, why not?✌️

EMF11.30Tattoo for women, why not?✌️

2018-11-30    01'10''

主播: Vivian💗

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To say that I had an abortion as a Muslim woman is incredibly deep. I was very isolated. I couldn’t really share it with people. And one year later I got a tattoo - a bird’s nest with a broken egg in the middle and two birds looking at it. It hurt and I wanted that closure. Being a woman in a male-dominated industry there’s an expectation that you are super sexual and feminine. And you have to add to a tattoo shop a certain way. I love my trailer because having my own sacred space is super fulfilling. It really increases the connection with me and the client. I’m trying to create an inclusive space for these minorities to participate in tattoo culture. I have to bring people into this understanding that if you want a tattoo and you love it. Let’s do it. What are you waiting for, I’m here for you. 作为一名msl女人,说到自己流过产是相当沉重的话题。那时我封闭自己,不和人们分享。 一年之后我弄了一个纹身——一个鸟巢,中间有一颗破碎的鸟蛋,两只大鸟看着鸟蛋。这很痛苦,我希望能解脱。 在一个男性主导的行业里,作为一名女性,人们期待你应该是超级女性化的、有女人味的。而且你必须给自己的纹身店增加些特色。 我喜欢我的房车,因为有一个自己的神圣空间是非常令人满足的。这真的增加了我与客户之间的联系。 我想为这些少数民族创造一个包容的空间来参与到纹身文化中。我要让人们明白,如果你想要纹身,而且你喜欢它。那让我们来做吧。