3.4The relationships with in-laws👵👨🏻‍🦰👩‍🦳

3.4The relationships with in-laws👵👨🏻‍🦰👩‍🦳

2019-03-04    00'57''

主播: Vivian💗

160 3

We’re gonna talk about a really big topic for a lot of couples and that is disgruntled relationships or a lack of unity that we can have with our in-laws. I think that most couples, at some point in their marriage, even if they have great relationships with their parents, will come to a place where just some boundaries are crossed or where there’re just some unhealthy dynamics that are happening. You know, it’s hard, because we love our parents and we love our spouse, and we want to be respectful to both. And sometimes you know, you can find yourself in between there, and you feel like you’re between a rock and a hard place. But I wanna tell you that God calls us that, when we’re married, he calls us to having our first loyalty be with our spouse instead of our parents. And so if your parents are treating your husband or your wife in a negative manner, and they’re being hateful and they’re saying mean things all the time, you have to be able to put your foot down. 我们要谈论一个对很多夫妻来说非常重要的话题,那就是我们和亲家的关系不愉快或者缺乏团结。 我认为大多数夫妻,他们在婚姻的某个时刻,即使他们和父母的关系很好,也会遇到一些越界的情况,或者是正在发生的一些不健康的动态。 你知道,这很难,因为我们爱我们的父母和我们的另一半,我们想要尊重他们。有时候,你会发现自己就夹在这两者之间,你会觉得自己左右为难。 但我想告诉你们,上帝告诉我们,一旦你们结婚了,首先要忠诚于我们的另一半,而不是我们的父母。 所以,如果你的父母用一种不好的方式对待你的丈夫或妻子,他们充满怨恨,他们总说一些刻薄的话,你必须站出来制止。