

2019-05-26    00'41''

主播: Vivian💗

180 0

Fredricksen:Come on, Russell. Would you hurry it up? Russel:I'm tired. And my knee hurts. Fredricksen:Which knee? Russel:My elbow hurts, and I have to go to the bathroom.  Fredricksen:I asked you about that five minutes ago. Russel:Well, I didn't have to go then! Russel:I don't wanna walk anymore.. Can we stop? Fredricksen:Russell, if you don't hurry up, the tigers will eat you. Russel:There are no tigers in South America. Zoology. Fredricksen:Oh, for the love of Pete! Go on into the  bushes and do your business. Russel:Okay! Here! Hold my stuff. I’ve always wanted to try this. Mr.Fredricksen: 该死的东西。加油,罗素,快点啊? Russel: 我累了,我膝盖痛。 Mr.Fredricksen: 哪个膝盖?  Russel: 我的胳膊肘痛,而且还想上厕所。  Mr.Fredricksen: 我五分钟前问过你去不去。   Russel:我那时还没想去嘛。   Russel:我不想再走了 。 能停一会儿吗? Mr.Fredricksen: 罗素,如果你再不快点 ,老虎会来吃了你的。 Russel:南美洲没有老虎,动物学常识。  Mr.Fredricksen:  噢,看在老天的份上,你快到灌木丛上厕所吧。 Russel:没问题!帮我拿着东西。我一直想试试这个呢。