6.19Protect Yourself During Earthquakes!⚠️

6.19Protect Yourself During Earthquakes!⚠️

2019-06-19    01'12''

主播: Vivian💗

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What makes earthquakes especially dangerous is that there’s no warning when they will happen. An earthquake can strike at any moment, today, next month or two years from now. There’re steps you can take right now to make sure you’re prepared when that earthquake hits. Here are three easy steps to remember: duck, cover, and hold. Duck, means duck or drop down to the floor. Cover, means take cover under a strong table, desk or other pieces of furniture. Finally, hold means hold on to the piece of furniture you’re under. If you can’t do that, go to an inside wall and protect your head and neck with your arms like this. Stay away from windows and tall furniture that could fall over on you. Those tips can help you if you’re at home or in school, but what if you’re outdoors when the earthquake happens. You want to go to an open area as far as you can from trees, signs, buildings and electrical wires. If you’re in a car, stay there. The driver should pull over and stop, away from bridges and power lines. Stay in the car until the earthquake is over. So get your families planned and placed, and remember to practice it. And if an emergency happens, we’ll all be ready. 使地震特别危险的是在地震发生前没有警告。地震随时可能发生,今天,下个月或两年后。你现在就可以采取一些步骤来确保你在地震来袭时做好准备。 这三个简单的步骤要记住:弯腰低头,掩护,抓住。弯腰低头,意思是弯下腰或身体贴着地面。掩护,是指在坚固的桌子、书桌或其他家具下躲避。最后,抓住的意思是抓住你身边的家具。如果你不能做到这一点,就到内墙那边,像这样(双手交叉放在脑后)用胳膊保护你的头和脖子。 远离窗户和高大的家具,它们可能会砸到你。如果你在家或在学校,这些建议可以帮助你,但如果地震发生时你在户外怎么办? 你要去一个开阔的地方,尽可能远离树木、标志牌、建筑物和电缆线。 如果你在车里,就呆在那里。司机应该靠边停车,远离桥梁和高压电线。一直呆在车里直到地震结束。所以,让你的家人做好计划和安排,并记住要付诸实践。如果发生紧急情况,我们都会做好准备。
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