7.5A Lion🆚20 Hyenas🦁️🐺

7.5A Lion🆚20 Hyenas🦁️🐺

2019-07-05    00'48''

主播: Vivian💗

210 1

As they mature, young males begin to explore the boundaries of the pride’s territory. Red has ventured out alone and blundered straight into the middle of the hyena clan. He's trapped by over 20 of them. The pack tries to wear him down. This number of hyenas could kill him. It's impossible to fight them all at once. He can’t keep them at bay for much longer. He’s tiring fast. His ally Tatu has heard the commotion. Now the odds have changed. Even for 20 hyenas, a pair of male lions is too much to take on. Red is lucky. 当年轻雄狮成年后,他们会开始探索狮群的地盘。雄狮瑞德独自出发探索,他无意间与一群鬣狗狭路相逢。他被二十几只鬣狗团团包围。 鬣狗群试图让狮子精疲力竭。为数众多的鬣狗足以让他丧命。狮子无法同时对付这么多只鬣狗。鬣狗渐渐无视狮子的威吓。狮子很快就会耗尽体力。 他的伙伴塔图听到了骚动。现在局势完全反转了。就算是二十只鬣狗也打不赢一对雄狮。瑞德很幸运得到同伴支援。